Exam Prep

Tips for studying for an exam at the last minute

Exam time is approaching. During Christmas, you thought you had plenty of time, but January arrived without you even realizing, the visit of the Three Wise Men stole half the month and already in February you realize that you haven’t studied anything. Is all lost? Is there any emergency solution to study for an exam at the last minute?

The situation is critical, but with these tips, you can make the most of the time you have left and pass your exam at the last minute.

At this point, we must prioritize

Select the most important parts and discard what you consider secondary; only if you have time to spare, also rescue what you think will not be included or is of lesser relevance.

In a hurry, study calmly

As the saying goes: “Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry.” Even if you’re nervous, it’s important to study calmly, because assimilating concepts takes time and no matter how much of a hurry we’re in, it won’t reduce it.

Controlling time

It is possible that the most important topics you have selected are of different depth and complexity and you run the risk of getting stuck in the study of one of them and running out of time for the others. To avoid this, it is good to set a maximum time to study each topic and stick to it.

Maintain a positive attitude

Don’t despair, avoid looking at the clock insistently and thinking that everything is going to go wrong. Getting anxious is not going to help you at all, and it will take away time and attention from studying, which is the most important thing.

Use mnemonic rules

You need to make the most of the time you have available, using these types of techniques will allow you to memorize more quickly. You can learn more about mnemonic rules on our blog: it won’t take you long and you will surely get the most out of them.

Getting a good night’s rest is important

A typical late-night study is pulling an all-nighter to rush your time. It may seem like a good idea, but taking an exam without sleeping will impair your abilities. It’s true that you’ve spent the holidays doing nothing and sleeping until noon, but now you’re not going to be able to reverse the past. Find a balance between studying at night and getting a minimum number of hours of rest.

Trust yourself

When you face the book and notes, you may feel like you know nothing, but often you have more knowledge and resources than you think. Chances are you’ll be able to perform at 100% in the exam, so trust in yourself… and if not, trust in luck!

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